openSIS ==> Moodle
- User Integration - When you create new users, teachers, staff, etc., in openSIS, these users are automatically created inside of Moodle.
- Students Integration - When you create new students, they are automatically created inside of Moodle.
- Courses - Courses created in openSIS are automatically created in Moodle.
- Course Periods/Sections - Like courses, individual course period/sections and the enrolled students are all automatically created in Moodle.
Moodle ==> openSIS
- Assignments - Once created inside of Moodle, assignments are created in openSIS grade book
- Quizzes - Just like assignments, quizzes are automatically created in the openSIS grade book
- Tests - Just like assignments and quizzes, tests are automatically created in the openSIS grade book
- Grades - Grades given in Moodle automatically transfer to the openSIS grade book for the given assignment.
Other benefits include the ability to:
- manually create users and students in Moodle,
- include Moodle grades in final grade calculations or
- exclude Moodle grades from final grade calculations.
It is really amazing to see it happen in real time and know that openSIS is the only SIS company that has truly integrated with Moodle providing bi-directional data exchange and deep functionality truly making it easy to deploy and effectively use Moodle in conjunction with openSIS. The integration has a key benefit of making the teacher's tasks easier and less time-consuming enabling them to spend more time doing the important things, teaching that is.
Are you a Moodle hosting client? This next piece will be interesting to you. Final testing is being done now to ensure performance across a wide area network with integrated versions of openSIS and Moodle. What does this mean for you as a Moodle hosted customer? You can install and use openSIS locally while integrating to a remote hosted Moodle instance. How much easier can it get?
openSIS is on the move and continues to add functionality further enhancing the solution and offering real usability for a very low cost. It has been exciting to watch the growth of this dream and even more exciting to think of what the future holds for openSIS and OS4Ed. Stay tuned to the openSIS website as we release some videos in the next couple of weeks showing it in action.